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Welcome to Bright 28 Pediatric and General Dentistry

No Two Days Are Alike

Dr. Volpicella loves being a dentist and playing the many roles that come with the profession. Depending on the day he might be a scientist, artist, engineer, a businessman - or all 4! Dr. Shakila specializes in pediatric dentistry, working with your children at any age to establish healthy dental care habits! With dentistry, every day is different and that’s why Dr. Volpicella and Dr. Shakila find so much joy in their work!

The Bright Way

At Bright 28 Pediatric and General Dentistry, we make room for the whole family. Our office is interactive and welcoming to appeal to little ones, with comforts and amenities that facilitate a relaxing experience for our general and/or cosmetic patients. No matter where you are with your oral health, we’re a judgment-free office. You get the best of both worlds and a healthy smile! 

Dental Care & Your Wellbeing

Increasing evidence shows the influential relationship oral health has on many of the organ systems in our bodies. Bright 28 Pediatric and General Dentistry focuses on building a foundation of healthy, consistent preventive care before moving into any cosmetic work. By taking this conservative approach you will enjoy a healthier smile long-term and get the results you’ve always wanted.

Become A Patient!

If there is anything you shouldn't compromise on, it’s you and your family’s health. At Bright 28 Pediatric and General Dentistry, we welcome patients of all ages. We’re here to partner with you, and work to maintain or move towards a smile that is healthy, long-lasting and beautiful. Become a patient at Bright 28 Pediatric and General Dentistry, we can’t wait to meet you!

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