Teeth Whitening in Jersey City, NJ

Your smile is one of your most noticeable features and stained teeth could compromise your confidence, making you feel awkward and uncomfortable in social situations. Teeth whitening can make you look younger and improve your overall appearance.

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Why Should You Get Your Teeth Whitened?

Research has shown that individuals with whiter teeth tend to have higher self-esteem and are perceived as more attractive and trustworthy by others. What's more, whiter teeth can contribute to a more positive self-image, leading to improved overall well-being. Come to Bright 28 Pediatric and General Dentistry where Dr. Christian Volpicella and our team will help you achieve the smile you've always desired.

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Did you know…

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Munching on crunchy fruits like apples and celery can act as natural toothbrushes, stimulating saliva production and helping to remove surface stains.

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Take-Home Teeth Whitening

Our take-home teeth whitening solutions allow patients to whiten their teeth in the comfort of their homes. We use a digital scanner to get a digital render of your mouth and use it to fabricate your custom whitening trays. Once ready, we’ll give you instructions for using the whitening trays, including when and how to use them. Follow these instructions to the letter and you should have white teeth in about a week.

Take-Home Teeth Whitening

In-Office Whitening

We also offer in-office teeth whitening handled by our highly-qualified cosmetic dentists. We use high-quality teeth whitening agents that are non-corrosive, but extremely effective. Dr. Volpicella will apply the whitening agent to your teeth and activate it with a special light to eliminate discoloration.

In-Office Whitening


Another form of in-office teeth whitening we offer is laser whitening. This involves applying a special whitening agent to your teeth before heating them with a special laser. It’s ideal for patients who need quick teeth whitening that only takes a single sitting. However, it may not be the best method for removing intrinsic tooth discolorations.


UV Whitening

UV whitening is almost similar to regular in-office whitening. Here, Dr. Volpicella cleans your teeth before applying the bleaching agent to the affected teeth. He then uses a special ultraviolet light to expedite the whitening process for beautiful, white teeth devoid of stains.

UV Whitening

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Call (201) 377-3350 Today

Before & After

A smile is worth 1,000 words.

See real patient success stories.

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The Teeth Whitening Process

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The consultation is where Dr. Volpicella determines your suitability for teeth whitening. It usually involves a comprehensive examination of your teeth and oral cavity. Dr. Volpicella will check for signs of dental decay and gum disease. In case you have either, we’ll arrange for prompt treatment before we can whiten your teeth.

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Dental Cleaning

Cleaning your teeth gives us a clean slate to work with. Cleaning also improves the effectiveness of the whitening agent on your teeth. Dr. Volpicella will clean your teeth by removing plaque and tartar on the surface of your teeth and gum line. He’ll then use a soft-bristled brush to brush the front surface of your teeth.

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Teeth Whitening

Dr. Volpicella will smear a protective gel on your gums before applying the whitening agent on the surface of your teeth. He’ll then shine a special light on the teeth to activate the whitening agent. This process is repeated several times until your teeth achieve the desired whiteness.

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Frequently Asked Questions

No, teeth whitening doesn't hurt and doesn't require anesthetic. Nor will you need to take any painkillers after the procedure. The process is completely painless and non-invasive. However, we might use a protective barrier or gel to protect your gums and mouth lining from the potent whitening agent.

The length of teeth whitening treatment depends on the technique. For example, our in-office teeth whitening usually takes about an hour. On the other hand, our take-home teeth whitening solutions take a week or so to completely whiten your teeth.