Sedation Dentistry in Jersey City, NJ

If you’re nervous about seeing the dentist, Dr. Christian Volpicella and our team can help with sedation dentistry in Jersey City. Come to our office, relax, and get the treatment you need without fear, anxiety, or intimidation.

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What Is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry uses a wide variety of medications to help patients feel more safe, calm, and comfortable during their dental treatment. Whether you have dental anxiety or you’re just nervous about an upcoming procedure, laughing gas (nitrous oxide) sedation from Dr. Volpicella and the team at Bright 28 can help you feel more relaxed and comfortable during your appointment. Contact us today to schedule a consultation, and find out if nitrous oxide sedation is right for you.

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Did you know…

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Nitrous oxide was first used to sedate dental patients as early as the 1840s, which makes it the most time-tested type of dental sedation that’s still in use today!

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The Benefits Of Laughing Gas Sedation

Remain conscious

With laughing gas sedation, you’ll feel “floaty” and disconnected from events around you, but you’ll be fully conscious and you’ll be able to ask questions and respond to commands.

Reduce anxiety and discomfort

Laughing gas can dramatically reduce dental anxiety, and along with local numbing, you’ll feel absolutely no discomfort or pain during your dental procedure.

Recover within minutes

It only takes a few minutes for laughing gas to wear out, which means you can get back to your daily routine right away. You can even drive yourself home, unlike with some other types of sedation.

The Sedation Process

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Initial consultation

To begin, you’ll discuss your health history, medications and supplements you’re taking, and other details with Dr. Volpicella. While laughing gas sedation is very safe, it’s important to make sure that you’re a good candidate for treatment with nitrous oxide.

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Sedation during your appointment

At the beginning of your appointment, our team will put a comfortable mask over your nose. You’ll breathe in deeply when directed to do so, and inhale a mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen. It will take effect right away, and your treatment will begin.

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Recovering after sedation

Once your procedure is over, Dr. Volpicella will adjust the machine and send pure oxygen into your lungs. This “purges” the rest of the laughing gas from your lungs. After about five minutes, you’ll feel normal! However, some patients may experience nausea, headaches, and some other minor symptoms. These all go away pretty quickly, though.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. Nitrous oxide is completely safe for children of all ages. And since it doesn’t involve any pills or needles, laughing gas is often the best way to sedate your little one and keep them comfortable during their appointment at Bright 28.

No. Dental sedation is usually not covered by dental insurance. However, sedation with nitrous oxide is quite affordable, and with payment options like CareCredit and in-house membership plan, it’s easy to get the care you need without breaking the bank.