Veneers in Jersey City, NJ

Embrace the confidence you've always deserved with veneers – a radiant grin, as unique as you.

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Why Choose Veneers?

Veneers are custom-made shells designed to cover the front of your teeth to hide imperfections. They’re mostly made from durable materials lasting ten to twenty years, depending on how well you care for them. They’re a popular cosmetic option and are great for hiding teeth with severe fractures, cracks, and extensive discoloration. They’re also excellent for evening-out teeth that are smaller than the rest. Trust Bright 28 Pediatric and General Dentistry to reveal the true brilliance of your smile. Contact us today, and let's embark on this transformative dental journey together.

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Did you know…

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Veneers can protect teeth from acid erosion?

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The Veneer Process

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Consultation and Treatment Plan

The first consultation involves deliberations about your concerns and aesthetic expectation. It’s also an avenue to ask questions about the procedure. After these discussions, Dr. Volpicella or Dr. Shakila will review your dental history and physically examine your teeth to determine your candidature for veneers. If everything checks out, they’ll compile a treatment plan with details about the procedure.

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Tooth Preparation and Taking Impressions

Veneers will jut out if installed on the teeth directly. As such, Dr. Volpicella or Dr. Shakila will shave less than a millimeter thin off the enamel, creating room for the veneers to fit and blend seamlessly with the rest of the teeth. Next, they’ll press dental putty on the affected teeth to take their impressions. These molds are sent to a lab to fabricate your veneers.

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Temporary Veneers and Veneer Fabrication

Shaving the veneers makes your teeth sensitive to heat and cold. As such, Dr. Volpicella or Dr. Shakila will place removable temporary veneers in front of the teeth, while you wait for the actual veneers. Veneer fabrication takes two to three weeks, depending on the number and type of veneers.

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Veneer Placement and Bonding

Once the veneers are ready, Dr. Volpicella or Dr. Shakila will apply an adhesive on the back of the veneers, before placing them on your teeth. They’ll adjust them to fit properly and align with the other teeth. They’ll then use a special light to polymerize the adhesive, hardening it so it secures firmly to the tooth. After a few final touch-ups, the dentist will release you with instructions for taking care of your teeth.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Veneers can fix various cosmetic dental issues. For starters, they can conceal large chips and cracks on the teeth that dentists can’t fix with dental fillings or bonding. In doing so, patients can have a beautiful smile without replacing the chipped teeth with a restoration.

Veneers can also fix distressed or worn-out teeth that become shorter than the rest. In doing so, they make all the teeth look even for perfectly straight pearly whites. They also do the same for teeth with large gaps between them, resulting in a pleasant smile.

Dentists sometimes recommend veneers as an alternative to teeth whitening for stained teeth. They're an especially useful option if the discoloration is widespread. What’s more, you can pick how white you want your veneers to be.

No, veneers are permanent fixtures, meaning they’re cemented on your teeth and can only be removed via a dental procedure by a licensed dentist. However, temporary veneers made from acrylic are removable, but these are usually temporary options patients wear while waiting for their actual veneers. They cannot replace actual veneers.